A phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) is a study design whereby the effect of a variant, or set of variants is estimated for a large number of traits or outcomes. In TarGene, running a PheWAS is always done implicitely because the outcomes are defined as all variables in the TRAITS_DATASET that do not play a particular role as per the ESTIMANDS_FILE.

To run a PheWAS for 3 genetic variants we will use the flat configuration mode. Let's create an ESTIMANDS_FILE called "newphewasconfig.yaml" with the following content.

type: flat

  - type: ATE

  - 1:238411180:T:C
  - 3:3502414:T:C
  - 2:14983:G:A

  - "Skin colour"
  - "Cheese intake"

The estimands section is set to include Average Treatment Effects (ATE) which correspond to single variant effects. Because there are 3 variants in the variants section, 3 PheWAS will actually be run in paralllel. These will be run for all traits in the UKB_CONFIG that are not in the outcome_extra_covariates section.

Note on variant IDs

The variant IDs must match the IDs of your BGEN files. Here they are identified by chr:pos:ref:alt but in your files it may be via the rsID. If this is the case, multi-allelic variants are currently not supported.

The nextflow.config file for this study is:

params {
    ESTIMANDS_CONFIG = "new_phewas_config.yaml"

    // UK-Biobank specific parameters
    BED_FILES = "unphased_bed/ukb_chr{1,2,3}.{bed,bim,fam}"
    BGEN_FILES = "unphased_bgen/ukb_chr{1,2,3}.{bgen,bgen.bgi,sample}"
    UKB_CONFIG = "ukbconfig_small.yaml"
    TRAITS_DATASET = "dataset.csv"
    UKB_WITHDRAWAL_LIST = "withdrawal_list.txt"
Genotype Files

Note that we need to provide both BED_FILES and BGEN_FILES.

And the command-line to be run:

nextflow run -r v0.11.1 -profile local