The Make Dataset Workflow
This workflow extracts an aggregated dataset containing traits (TRAITS_DATASET
), genetic confounders (NB_PCS
) and genetic variants (VARIANTS_LIST
) in an Arrow tabular format.
Example Run Command
nextflow run -r TAG -entry MAKE_DATASET -profile P -resume
List Of Workflow Arguments
(required): A text file (one rsid per line) specifying the variants of interest.BGEN_FILES
(required): Path to imputed BGEN files from which the variants inVARIANTS_LIST
will be extracted.NB_PCS
(optional, default: 6): The number of PCA components to extract.BED_FILES
(required): Path expression to PLINK BED files.COHORT
(optional: "UKB"): Current default for this is UKB. If set to a value other than UKB, this will not run UKB-specific trait extraction.TRAITS_DATASET
(required): Path to a traits dataset. If you are running this for a non-UKB cohort, your sample IDs must be specified in the first column of this CSV file, with the column nameSAMPLE_ID
(optional, default: assets/exclusionregionshg19.txt): A path to the flashpca special exclusion regions.MAF_THRESHOLD
(optional, default: 0.01): Only variants with that minor allele frequency are consideredLD_BLOCKS
(optional): A path to pre-identified linkage disequlibrium blocks to be removed from the BED files. It is good practice to specifyLD_BLOCKS
, as it will remove SNPs correlated with your variants-of-interest before running PCA.
argument is set to UKB
(required): YAML configuration file describing which traits should be extracted and how the population should be subsetted.UKB_ENCODING_FILE
(optional): If theTRAITS_DATASET
is encrypted, an encoding file must be provided.UKB_WITHDRAWAL_LIST
(optional): List of participants withdrawn from the study.QC_FILE
(optional): Genotyping quality control file from the UK-Biobank study.